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Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2023 - The Complete Coverage

Malta selected their entry to the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 on 11 February 2023. Malta's Public Broadcaster PBS received over 200 entries which were filtered to 40 acts that went through three Quarter Finals and a Semi Final that consisted of 24 acts. 16 of the 24 went into the Grand Final. Malta will be in Semi Final 1 of the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 to be staged on 09 May 2023.


Winning the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2023

The Busker - Dance (our own party)

The Busker with JP after winning the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2023

Watch the Reaction Interview by clicking this link

The Results of the Show

Courtesy of Wikipedia

The Photo Album is available here:  PHOTO ALBUM

Below is a list of links to the interviews the Team of Radio International conducted at the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2023. Enjoy to listen to the interviews with your favourite artist from Malta.

Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2023 - The Interviews

Interview with the Hosts of the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2023: Amber and Glen Vella

Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2023 - The Red Carpet Interview Sequence

The Grand Finalists:

1. Cheryl Balzan - La La Land

2. Nathan - Creeping Wall

3. Chris Grech - Indiscribable

4. Maxine Pace - Alone

5. Fabrizio Faniello - Try to be better

6. Geo Debono - The Mirror

7. Brooke - Checkmate

8. Ian Vella - On my own

9. Eliana Blanco Gomez - Guess What

10. The Busker - Dance (Our Own Party)

11. Giada - I Depend on You

12. Matt Blxck - Up

13. Christian Arding - Eku Car

14. Ryan Hili - In the Silence

15. Dan - It'll be OK

16. Stefan Galea - Heartbreaker

The eight acts that did not qualify for the Grand Final of the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2023:

17. Greta Tude - The Sound of my Stilettos

18. Andre Portelli - Broken Hill

19. Marc Anthony Bartolo - Tears

20. Dario Bezzina - Bridle Road

21. Bradley Debono - Blackout

22. Klinsmann - Piranha

23. Dominic and Anna - Whatever Wind May Blow

24. Mikhail - Lehen Fik Cpar

Additional Interviews:

25. The Mentors (Moira, Ludwig Galea, Mike Spiteri, Paul Giordimaina)

26. Interview with Moira of Chris and Moira (Malta 1994)

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