
Week 27/2019 - Eurovision Radio International - 03 July 2019 - Through the Summer 2019 (Episode 1) - PODCAST AVAILABLE NOW

Listen this week's edition of Radio International

This week's Play List

Also listen to other Eurovision Shows:
Forest FM Eurovision Show Case (2019-06-30)
Bradley Stoke Radio - Let Me Be the One (2019-07-02)

Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience

Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience is broadcast live from Malta's Galaxy 105FM. The show is simulcast on Castlepoint FM in the United Kingdom and on the Facebook Page of Eurovision Radio International. Find out more details of how to tune in - click here

Join in this Wednesday 03 July 2019 live from 2000 - 2300pmCET for Eurovision Radio International taking you through the Summer of 2019 with lots of good music and features.


  • Interview with Tamta (Cyprus 2019)
  • Interview with Roko (Croatia 2019)
  • Interview with Conan Osiris (Portugal 2019)
  • Eurovision Cover Spot and The Eurovision Birthday File with David Mann
  • Eurovision Spotlight: A Golden Eurovision Summer: This week - 1968 with Alasdair Rendall
  • Eurovision News from escXtra.com with Nathan Waddell 
  • Eurovision EUROVISION CALENDAR with Javier Leal
  • Your music requests
  • New Music Releases by Eurovision artist

Tamta (Cyprus 2019) with JP
Interview with Tamta (Cyprus 2019): Following in the footsteps of Eleni Foureira in 2018, Cyrprus was represnted at the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest 2019 by the charming Tamta with the song "Replay" reaching Number 13 in the Grand Final receivin 109 points from combined Jury and Televoting.  Radio International's JP met Tamta in Tel Aviv after her Press Conference for an interview which you can hear on the show this week.

Roko with Andy and Diego (Croatia 2019) with JP
Interview with Roko (Croatia 2019):  The 2019 entry of Croatia at the Eurovision Song Contest was Roko with the two dancers Diego and Andy. Unfortunately,  Croatia's entry "The Dream" did not qualify for the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 and ended up in Semi Final 2 at Number 14. Roko was accompanied by two dancers Diego and Andy and Roko's mentor is Jacques Houdek who represented Croatia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 with the song "My Friend" that made it to the Grand Final at Number 13. Radio International's JP and Eric had the pleasure to meet and interview Roko, Andy and Diego right after the Press Conference in Tel Aviv. You can hear that interview on Radio International this week.

Conan Osiris (Portugal 2019) with JP
Interview with Conan Osiris (Portugal 2019):  After Salvador Sobral's Eurovision Victory in 2017 when Portugal won the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Amar pelos dois" it has not been going too well for Portugal after that in terms of success at the contest. In 2018, Claudia Pascoal ended up last in the Grand Final with "O Jardim" while in 2019 Portugal's entry "Telemoveis" did not even qualify for the Grand Final and ended up at Number 15 in Semi Final 1. Hopefully, 2020 will be a better year again for Portugal at the Eurovision Song Contest. JP had the pleasure to meet Conan Osiris for an interview after his press conference in Tel Aviv which you can hear on the show this week.

Plus there will be Eurovision News, Birthday File, Cover Spot, Calendar and new releases by Eurovision artists.

Our Chatroom - Chat with the Eurovision Fan Community during the live show on Wednesdays. This is how it works: Click on this link to open the Radio International Chat Room. give it a few seconds for the stream to load. Then open the music box to unmute the radio sound (which is the icon of the music box in the volume control). If after having unmuted the audio, it's still silent, simply refresh the page (F5). Start chatting and you will be assigned a funny name which you can change by clicking on it. But you can also create a user account and then you should be keeping your chat profile name. Give it a shot.

Join Radio International on Wednesday, 03 July 2019 starting from 2000 - 2300 pmCET via the website or on FM. Radio International is available via different means. Visit HOW TO TUNE IN to see the details. The show will be available the website of Galaxy 105 FM and via TUNEIN, as well as on Castlepoint FM in the United Kingdom via their TUNEIN Channel and will be relayed on the Facebook Group of Eurovision Radio International    

Further details are available here:

Happy Eurovisioning
JP and the Team in the Tower of Eurovision Power

#eurovision #eurovision2019 #PEDCure #esc #DareToDream #Tamta #Cyprus #eurovision2019 #interviews #ConanOsisris #Portugal #Roko #Croatia



Week 26/2019 - Eurovision Radio International - 26 June 2019 - PED (Post Eurovision Depression) Cure - Dose 6 - PODCAST AVAILABLE NOW

Listen to this week's edition of Radio International

Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience

Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience is broadcast live from Malta's Galaxy 105FM. The show is simulcast on Castlepoint FM in the United Kingdom and on the Facebook Page of Eurovision Radio International. Find out more details of how to tune in - click here

Join in this Wednesday 26 June 2019 live from 2000 - 2300pmCET for Eurovision Radio International this week for PED - Cure - Dose 6.:)

The Eurovision Song Contest 2019 was staged in Tel Aviv, Israel on 14, 16 and 18 May 2019 with The Netherlands winning the 64th Eurovision Song Contest. The Eurovision Microphone Trophy went to Duncan Laurence for the song "Arcade" receiving a combined vote from the Jury and the Televote of 492 points. CONGRATULATIONS! See the entire "revised"results here.

EUROVISION 2019 - A look back - Photos from Eurovision 2019 can be viewed here:

The Grand Final
Press Conferences and Euroclub
Semi Final 1
Semi Final 2
Orange Carpet and Opening Ceremony

The Radio International Radio Shows during Eurovision 2019:

Radio International live from Tel Aviv and the Eurovision Song Contest

Wed 08 May 2019  |  Wed 15 May 2019  |   Grand Final Day on Radio Wymondham

Radio International's team was on location in Tel Aviv and met many of the artists and conducted interviews which you will hear on the weekly shows serving as PED Cure. No need to fall in PED as the summer of 2019 has a number of Eurovision Events scheduled. Check out the EUROVISION CALENDAR or listen to the show for details.

  • Short Interview with John Lundvig (Sweden 2019)
  • Interview with Serhat (San Marino 2019)
  • Interview with D Mol (Montenegro 2019)
  • Eurovision Cover Spot and The Eurovision Birthday File with David Mann
  • Eurovision Spotlight: A Golden Eurovision Summer: This week - 1977 with Dermot Manning 
  • Eurovision News from escXtra.com with Nathan Waddell 
  • Eurovision Calendar with Javier Leal
  • Your music requests
  • New Music Releases by Eurovision artist

John Lundvig (Sweden 2019) with JP at EUROCLUB in Tel Aviv

Interview with John Lundvig (Sweden 2019):  Initially winning the Jury Voting of the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 but then after the revision of the Grand Final Voting Sweden was replaced by North Macedonia as the Winner of the Jurys. Nevertheless, the final result for Sweden and John Lundvig's "Too late for love" with the Big Mama's as Backing Vocalists reached an amazing 5th place in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 with a total of 334 points Radio International's JP met John in Tel Aviv after his Press Conference for a quick update interview which you can hear on the show this week.

Serhat (San Marino 2019) with JP

Interview with Serhat (San Marino 2019):  San Marino was represented at the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 for the second time by Serhat. His first appearance at the Eurovision Song Contest was back in 2016 when he performed "I did'n know" which ended up at Number 12 in Semi Final 1 in Stockholm. Now in 2019 Serhat created  "Say Na Na Na" in Cologne, Germany while walking to the River Rhine. San Marino qualified successfully for the Grand Final and then at the end of the Voting Sequence reached Number 19 which is the best ever result for San Marino at the Eurovision Song Contest since their debut in 2008. Radio International's JP and Eric had the pleasure to meet and interview Serhat right after his Press Conference in Tel Aviv. You can hear this interview on Radio International this week. 

D Mol (Montenegro 2019) with JP

Interview with D Mol (Montenegro 2019):  Montenegro, as it's own state has been taking part in the Eurovision Song Contest since 2007 with interruptions in 2010 and 2011. And only two times was Montenegro qualified for the Grand Final in 2014 with Sergey Cetkovic and in 2015 with Knez both performing great Balkan Ballads. Now in 2019 Montenegro's hopefulls was a group called D Mol which unfortunately did not qualify Montenegro for the Grand Final with the song "Heaven" as they only received a total of 46 points in Semi Final 1 thus ranking them at Number 16. JP met the group after their Press Conference for an interview. It's on the show this week.

Plus there will be Eurovision News, Birthday File, Cover Spot, Calendar and new releases by Eurovision artists.

Our Chatroom - Chat with the Eurovision Fan Community during the live show on Wednesdays. This is how it works: Click on this link to open the Radio International Chat Room. give it a few seconds for the stream to load. Then open the music box to unmute the radio sound (which is the icon of the music box in the volume control). If after having unmuted the audio, it's still silent, simply refresh the page (F5). Start chatting and you will be assigned a funny name which you can change by clicking on it. But you can also create a user account and then you should be keeping your chat profile name. Give it a shot.

Join Radio International on Wednesday, 26 June 2019 starting from 2000 - 2300 pmCET via the website or on FM. Radio International is available via different means. Visit HOW TO TUNE IN to see the details. The show will be available the website of Galaxy 105 FM and via TUNEIN, as well as on Castlepoint FM in the United Kingdom via their TUNEIN Channel and will be relayed on the Facebook Group of Eurovision Radio International    

Further details are available here:

Happy Eurovisioning
JP and the Team in the Tower of Eurovision Power

#eurovision #eurovision2019 #PEDCure #esc #DareToDream #Serhat #SanMarino #eurovision2019 #interviews #DMol #Montenegro #JohnLundvig #Sweden



Week 25/2019 - Eurovision Radio International - 19 June 2019 - PED (Post Eurovision Depression) Cure - Dose 5 - PODCAST AVAILABLE NOW

Listen to this week's edition of Radio International

Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience

Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience is broadcast live from Malta's Galaxy 105FM. The show is simulcast on Castlepoint FM in the United Kingdom and on the Facebook Page of Eurovision Radio International. Find out more details of how to tune in - click here

Join in this Wednesday 19 June 2019 live from 2000 - 2300pmCET for Eurovision Radio International this week for PED - Cure - Dose 5.:)

The Eurovision Song Contest 2019 was staged in Tel Aviv, Israel on 14, 16 and 18 May 2019 with The Netherlands winning the 64th Eurovision Song Contest. The Eurovision Microphone Trophy went to Duncan Laurence for the song "Arcade" receiving a combined vote from the Jury and the Televote of 492 points. CONGRATULATIONS! See the entire "revised"results here.

EUROVISION 2019 - A look back - Photos from Eurovision 2019 can be viewed here:

The Grand Final
Press Conferences and Euroclub
Semi Final 1
Semi Final 2
Orange Carpet and Opening Ceremony

The Radio International Radio Shows during Eurovision 2019:

Radio International live from Tel Aviv and the Eurovision Song Contest

Wed 08 May 2019  |  Wed 15 May 2019  |   Grand Final Day on Radio Wymondham

Radio International's team was on location in Tel Aviv and met many of the artists and conducted interviews which you will hear on the weekly shows serving as PED Cure. No need to fall in PED as the summer of 2019 has a number of Eurovision Events scheduled. Check out the EUROVISION CALENDAR or listen to the show for details.

  • Interview with Luca Haenni (Switzerland 2019)
  • Interview with Katerina Duska (Greece 2019)
  • Interview with Srbuk (Armenia 2019)
  • Interview Clips at the Orange Carpet Opening Ceremony of Eurovision 2019 in Tel Aviv - Sequence Number 4
  • Eurovision Cover Spot and The Eurovision Birthday File with David Mann
  • Eurovision Spotlight: A Golden Eurovision Summer: This week - 1982 with Ross Bennett (NEW SERIES)
  • Eurovision News from escXtra.com with Nathan Waddell
  • Your music requests
  • New Music Releases by Eurovision artist
Plus there will be Eurovision News, Birthday File, Cover Spot, Calendar and new releases by Eurovision artists.

Luca Haenni (Switzerland 2019)

Interview with Luca Haenni (Switzerland 2019):
  What a smashing result for Switzerland in many years. Young Luca Haenni breaking through in Deutschland sucht den Superstar although being Swiss Luca represented Switzerland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 with the song "She got me" which reached Number 4 in the Grand Final with a total of 364 points. Radio International's colleague Edward Montebello from Malta's ONE TV and Radio met the singer at Eurovision in Concert 2019 for an interview.

Katerine Duska (Greece 2019)

Interview with Katerine Duska (Greece 2019):  Greece was represented at the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 by Canadian-born Katerine Duska who performed the song "Better Love" qualifying her country successfully for the Grand Final. At the end of the Voting Sequence Greece received a total of 74 points ranking Greece at Number 21. Radio International's JP had the pleasure to meet and interview Katerine right after her Press Conference in Tel Aviv. You can hear this interview on Radio International this week. 

Srbuk (Armenia 2019) with JP

Interview with Srbuk (Armenia 2019):  2019 was not a successful year for Armenia in terms of qualifying for the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest. Young Srbuk kicked off Semi Final 2 of the 64th Eurovision Song Contest ending up at Number 16 when only the Top Ten advance into the Grand Final. The song was "Walking out" receiving 49 points.  Listen to this interview on the show this week.

Our Chatroom - Chat with the Eurovision Fan Community during the live show on Wednesdays. This is how it works: Click on this link to open the Radio International Chat Room. give it a few seconds for the stream to load. Then open the music box to unmute the radio sound (which is the icon of the music box in the volume control). If after having unmuted the audio, it's still silent, simply refresh the page (F5). Start chatting and you will be assigned a funny name which you can change by clicking on it. But you can also create a user account and then you should be keeping your chat profile name. Give it a shot.

Join Radio International on Wednesday, 19 June 2019 starting from 2000 - 2300 pmCET via the website or on FM. Radio International is available via different means. Visit HOW TO TUNE IN to see the details. The show will be available the website of Galaxy 105 FM and via TUNEIN, as well as on Castlepoint FM in the United Kingdom via their TUNEIN Channel and will be relayed on the Facebook Group of Eurovision Radio International    

Further details are available here:

Happy Eurovisioning
JP and the Team in the Tower of Eurovision Power

#eurovision #esc #DareToDream #KaterineDuska #Greece #eurovision2019 #interviews #Srbuk #Armenia #LucaHaenni #Switzerland



Week 24/2019 - Eurovision Radio International - 12 June 2019 - PED (Post Eurovision Depression) Cure - Dose 4 (PODCAST AVAILABLE NOW)

Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience

Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience is broadcast live from Malta's Galaxy 105FM. The show is simulcast on Castlepoint FM in the United Kingdom and on the Facebook Page of Eurovision Radio International. Find out more details of how to tune in - click here

Join in this Wednesday 12 June 2019 live from 2000 - 2300pmCET for Eurovision Radio International this week for PED - Cure - Dose 4.:)

The Eurovision Song Contest 2019 was staged in Tel Aviv, Israel on 14, 16 and 18 May 2019 with The Netherlands winning the 64th Eurovision Song Contest. The Eurovision Microphone Trophy went to Duncan Laurence for the song "Arcade" receiving a combined vote from the Jury and the Televote of 492 points. CONGRATULATIONS! See the entire "revised"results here.

EUROVISION 2019 - A look back - Photos from Eurovision 2019 can be viewed here:

The Grand Final
Press Conferences and Euroclub
Semi Final 1
Semi Final 2
Orange Carpet and Opening Ceremony

The Radio International Radio Shows during Eurovision 2019:

Radio International live from Tel Aviv and the Eurovision Song Contest

Wed 08 May 2019  |  Wed 15 May 2019  |   Grand Final Day on Radio Wymondham

Radio International's team was on location in Tel Aviv and met many of the artists and conducted interviews which you will hear on the weekly shows serving as PED Cure. No need to fall in PED as the summer of 2019 has a number of Eurovision Events scheduled. Check out the EUROVISION CALENDAR or listen to the show for details.

  • Interview with Sergey Lazarev (Russia 2019)
  • Interview with Sarah McTernan (Ireland 2019)
  • Interview with Stig Raesta (Estonia 2015) Songwriter of Estonia 2019 "Storm" by Victor Crone
  • Interview Clips at the Orange Carpet Opening Ceremony of Eurovision 2019 in Tel Aviv - Sequence Number 3
  • The Berlin Eurovision Weekend 2019 in Malta: Interview with Adrian Refalo (OGAE Malta)
  • Eurovision Cover Spot and The Eurovision Birthday File with David Mann
  • Eurovision Spotlight Extended: Eurovision 2019 - the Assessment with Alasdair Rendall
  • Eurovision News from escXtra.com with Nathan Waddell
  • Your music requests
  • New Music Releases by Eurovision artist
Plus there will be Eurovision News, Birthday File, Cover Spot, Calendar and new releases by Eurovision artists.

Sergey Lazarev (Russia 2019)

Interview with Sergey Lazarev (Russia 2019):  Returning to the Eurovision Song Contest this year was Russia's Sergey Lazarev who we saw already in 2016 representing his country with the song "You are the only one" which reached Number 3 in Stockholm. His 2019 Eurovision entry called "Scream" also reached Number 3 in the Grand Final with a total of 370 points. Radio International's JP and Salman Tanzem met the singer after his press conference for an interview in Tel Aviv. 

Sarah McTernan (Ireland 2019) with Backing Vocalists and Dancer
Interview with Sarah McTernan (Ireland 2019):  The must successful country - in terms of winning the Eurovision Song Contest - is Ireland who this year was represented by Sarah McTernan with the song "22". Unfortunately, it ended up at Number 18 in Semi Final 2 with only 16 points being the worst results for Ireland in years. Prior to the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 Radio International's David Mann met the singer for an interview at the recent edition of the London Preview Event 2019. Listen to that interview on the show this week. 

Victor Crone and Stig Raesta (Estonia 2019)

Interview with Stig Raesta (Estonia 2015):  "Goodbye to Yesterday" was Estonia's entry to the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 coming 7th in the Grand Final. Singer/Songwriter Stig Raesta performed that song together with Elina Born. In 2019, Stig teamed up with Sweden's Victor Crone who although being Swedish represented Estonia this year with the song co-written song "Storm" coming 20th in the Grand Final. JP chatted briefly with Stig at the Opening Reception of the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Tel Avi at the Orange Carpet. Listen to this interview on the show this week.

Our new Chatroom - Chat with the Eurovision Fan Community during the live show on Wednesdays. This is how it works: Click on this link to open the Radio International Chat Room. give it a few seconds for the stream to load. Then open the music box to unmute the radio sound (which is the icon of the music box in the volume control). If after having unmuted the audio, it's still silent, simply refresh the page (F5). Start chatting and you will be assigned a funny name which you can change by clicking on it. But you can also create a user account and then you should be keeping your chat profile name. Give it a shot.

Join Radio International on Wednesday, 12 June 2019 starting from 2000 - 2300 pmCET via the website or on FM. Radio International is available via different means. Visit HOW TO TUNE IN to see the details. The show will be available the website of Galaxy 105 FM and via TUNEIN, as well as on Castlepoint FM in the United Kingdom via their TUNEIN Channel and will be relayed on the Facebook Group of Eurovision Radio International    

Further details are available here:

Happy Eurovisioning
JP and the Team in the Tower of Eurovision Power

#eurovision #esc #DareToDream #israel #eurovision2019 #interviews #EurovisionWeekend #Malta #StigRaesta #VictorCrone #Estonia #Russia #SergeyLazarev #SarahMcTernan #Ireland



Week 23/2019 - Eurovision Radio International - 05 June 2019 - PED (Post Eurovision Depression) Cure - Dose 3 - PODCAST AVAILABLE NOW

Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience

Radio International - The Ultimate Eurovision Experience is broadcast live from Malta's Galaxy 105FM. The show is simulcast on Castlepoint FM in the United Kingdom and on the Facebook Page of Eurovision Radio International. Find out more details of how to tune in - click here

Join in this Wednesday 05 June 2019 live from 2000 - 2300pmCET for Eurovision Radio International this week for PED - Cure - Dose 3.:)

The Eurovision Song Contest 2019 was staged in Tel Aviv, Israel on 14, 16 and 18 May 2019 with The Netherlands winning the 64th Eurovision Song Contest. The Eurovision Microphone Trophy went to Duncan Laurence for the song "Arcade" receiving a combined vote from the Jury and the Televote of 492 points. CONGRATULATIONS! See the entire "revised"results here.

EUROVISION 2019 - A look back - Photos from Eurovision 2019 can be viewed here:

The Grand Final
Press Conferences and Euroclub
Semi Final 1
Semi Final 2
Orange Carpet and Opening Ceremony

The Radio International Radio Shows during Eurovision 2019:

Radio International live from Tel Aviv and the Eurovision Song Contest

Wed 08 May 2019  |  Wed 15 May 2019  |   Grand Final Day on Radio Wymondham

Radio International's team was on location in Tel Aviv and met many of the artists and conducted interviews which you will hear on the weekly shows serving as PED Cure. No need to fall in PED as the summer of 2019 has a number of Eurovision Events scheduled. Check out the EUROVISION CALENDAR or listen to the show for details.

  • Interview with Mahmood (Italy 2019, Number 2)
  • Interview with Nevena Bozovic (Serbia 2019, Number 18)
  • Interview with Suzie (Portugal 2014) done at the Madrid PreParty 2019
  • UNESCON Interview with Dr. Irving Wolther (28 - 30 June 2019)
  • Interview Clips at the Orange Carpet Opening Ceremony of Eurovision 2019 in Tel Aviv - Sequence Number 3
  • Eurovision Cover Spot and The Eurovision Birthday File with David Mann
  • Eurovision Spotlight Extended: Eurovision 2019 - the Assessment with Chris Poppe
  • Eurovision News from escXtra.com with Nathan Waddell
  • Your music requests
  • New Music Releases by Eurovision artist
Plus there will be Eurovision News, Birthday File, Cover Spot, Calendar and new releases by Eurovision artists.

Mahmood (Italy 2019) with Salman

Interview with Mahmood (Israel 2019):
  Italy's representative to the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 was Mahmood with the song "Soldi" which came the Runner Up to Eurovision 2019 Winner Duncan from the Netherlands. Italy received a total of 472 points ranking the country at Number 2. Salman Tanzem met Mahmood for an interview which you can hear on the show this week.

Nevena Bozovic (Serbia 2019) with JP
Interview with Nevena Bozoviz (Serbia 2019):  Already in 2013 did we see Nevena Bozovic at the Eurovision Song Contest  as part of Moje 3 and the song "Ljubav je Svuda" which ranked Serbia at Number 11 in their Semi Final, thus not qualifying for the Grand Final. Before that, Nevena also took part in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2007 representing Serbia with the song "Piši mi" which came 3rd in the ranking. Now in 2019, Nevena returned to the Eurovision Song Contest for Serbia with the song "Kruna" which reached Number 18 with 89 points in the Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Tel Aviv, Israel. JP met and interviewed the singer during the rehearsal week which you can hear on this week's edition of the show. 

Suzie (Portugal 2014) at Madrid PreParty 2019
Interview with Suzie (Portugal 2019): During the Blue Carpet Opening Ceremony at the Madrid PreParty 2019 Suzie made a come back. She represented Portugal at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 with the song "Quero Ser Tua"which reached Number 11 in Semi Final 1. Suzie is a big Fans' Favourite and often invited to Eurovision events and so also yet again for the Madrid PreParty 2019. JP chatted with Suzie at the Blue Carpet for an update.

Interview with Dr. Irving Wolther on UNESCON:  The first big Eurovision event after the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 is a new event to be held in the German city of Hannover on 28 - 30 June 2019. This week one of the prime organisers of this event Dr. Irving Wolther will be joining JP in the studio for an interview on the upcoming UNESCON Eurovision 2019. Details on the event and for booking please click here - UNESCON

Our new Chatroom - Chat with the Eurovision Fan Community during the live show on Wednesdays. This is how it works: Click on this link to open the Radio International Chat Room. give it a few seconds for the stream to load. Then open the music box to unmute the radio sound (which is the icon of the music box in the volume control). If after having unmuted the audio, it's still silent, simply refresh the page (F5). Start chatting and you will be assigned a funny name which you can change by clicking on it. But you can also create a user account and then you should be keeping your chat profile name. Give it a shot.

Join Radio International on Wednesday, 05 June 2019 starting from 2000 - 2300 pmCET via the website or on FM. Radio International is available via different means. Visit HOW TO TUNE IN to see the details. The show will be available the website of Galaxy 105 FM and via TUNEIN, as well as on Castlepoint FM in the United Kingdom via their TUNEIN Channel and will be relayed on the Facebook Group of Eurovision Radio International    

Further details are available here:

Happy Eurovisioning
JP and the Team in the Tower of Eurovision Power

#eurovision #NevenaBozovic #Serbia #esc #daretodream #israel #eurovision2019 #interviews #UNESCON #Malta #Dr.IrvingWolther #Mahmood #Netherlands #Italy #Portugal #Suzie